PowerTCP Emulation for ActiveX
from $699.00Available Platforms
The following is a list of public releases for all components shipped with PowerTCP Emulation for ActiveX (Latest Release 2013-06-03)
dartvt.dll dartsock.dll darttelnet.dll
Current Version: Released: 2013-06-03
Product fixes in this release:
- Resolved a Com registration error. Released: 2012-07-10
- There are now separate "Trial" and "Licensed" versions of the dll. Trial dlls are not for deployment and will only function on machines on which a trial version of the product has been installed. Released: 2010-10-27
- No longer vulnerable to attacks outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS09-035 (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS09-035.mspx).
- Now functions on all Data Execution Protection (DEP) enabled systems. Released: 2006-12-20
- Version change only, same as version Released: 2006-12-15
- A new CodePage property for full support of Unicode characters was added
- Printed pages now match the display font as closely as possible
Product fixes in this release:
- A problem with displaying NRC Set characters was corrected (4171)
- Character 127 no longer displays as a space (4208) Released: 2004-06-09
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed a problem with PrintSelected causing a crash in certain circumstances. (2382)
- Changed some internal method declarations for automation access. (2554)
- Changed internal ordering of events. This has no impact to users, just to language developers. (2554) Released: 2004-01-16
Product fixes in this release:
- Various internal code updates that resulted from development of PowerTCP Emulation for .NET
- Altered behavior of color from escape sequences to match that of version 1.8. (2046) Released: 2003-09-12
Product fixes in this release:
- Corrected improper TermType vtTty behavior with CRLF (1704)
- Added more defensive code for invalid input data (1772)
- The cursor color should be the same as the color of highlighted text (1787)
- Addressed a slow-down in VT.Display performance (1859) Released: 2002-11-27
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed a rare GPF with a specific buffer
- Fixed a resource leak
- Added support for multi-threading although NOT thread-safe
- Can be used in COM+ Component Services Released: 2002-07-02
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed Delphi key problems
- Fixed incorrect color codes
- Added NormalIntensity and BlinkingIntensity Properties for more color control
- Adjusted the color yellow
- VT.Clear no longer causes the desktop to flash
- Fixed non-visual flicker in certain situations
- Scrollbar now set properly on startup
- Vt.NationalCharSet now works properly
- Fixed minor problem with click event Released: 2001-11-28
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed BufferRow error
- Fixed DEC compatibility problem
- Fixed incorrect behavior with bright colors Released: 2001-09-14
Product fixes in this release:
- Minor changes to accommodate the .NET Framework
- VT no longer cursor-off sequence in VC
- Fixed VT problem with Rlogin Released: 2001-05-16
Product fixes in this release:
- Character set problem fixed
- Fixed a problem with selecting text Released: 2001-04-20
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed a problem with selecting text
- Character set problem fixed Released: 2001-04-11
Product fixes in this release:
- Spontaneous keypress works properly Released: 2001-03-07
Product fixes in this release:
- Soft Terminal reset now works properly
- Characters no longer mutilated on last line of certain machines
- Control no longer blocked by lspawn
- Screen no longer flashes when data displayed on a control that is not on a form Released: 2000-12-22
Product fixes in this release:
- VT can now be dynamically instantiated in VB and ASP Released: 2000-11-21
Product fixes in this release:
- Added DisableF1F5 property to VT
- Fixed problem where VT would incorrectly switch to special graphics mode
- Fixed problems with Focus and Activate event
- Sellength now working properly
- Lines no longer corrupted after doing a CSI add and delete Released: 2000-10-17
Product fixes in this release:
- Optimized screen painting
Current Version: Released: 2013-05-08
Product fixes in this release:
- Resolved a com registration error.
- Resolved an issue where DartStrings would be empty when reading and splitting a large file with delimiters. (5117)
- Resolved a memory leak when calling the Udp.Receive(DartStream) overload. (5536) Released: 2012-07-10
- There are now separate "Trial" and "Licensed" versions of the dll. Trial dlls are not for deployment and will only function on machines on which a trial version of the product has been installed. Released: 2012-02-09
- No changes from Released: 2010-10-26
- CertificateList and CertificateStore are now licensed controls in PowerTCP Mail for ActiveX. Released: 2010-07-26
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed problem getting DartStrings.All when the collection is empty. Released: 2010-04-28
- Now functions on all Data Execution Protection (DEP) enabled systems.
- No longer vulnerable to attacks outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS09-035 (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS09-035.mspx). Released: 2010-02-11
Product fixes in this release:
- The StartAfter parameter of DartStrings.Find can now be greater than 65535. (4707)
- Ras Phonebook entries can now have names with multibyte characters. (4875) Released: 2008-03-19
Product fixes in this release:
- It is now possible to edit and add to Ras PhoneBooks on Vista machines. (4225)
- Two running instances of the same application using the Ping control are now completely independent. (4583) Released: 2008-02-04
Product fixes in this release:
- DartStrings.Remove now works with a string parameter. (4262)
- NoDelay and KeepAlive properties can now be set to false on Vista machines. (4351)
- DartStrings.Add now works when adding strings to the end of the collection by specifying an index parameter. (4632) Released: 2007-11-27
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed memory issue in the DartStreams object when used on Windows 9x (4560) Released: 2007-10-09
Product fixes in this release:
- Update for inclusion in new FTP for ActiveX kit Released: 2007-02-01
Product fixes in this release:
- DartStrings collection now reports correct indices greater than 65535. (4224) Released: 2006-09-22
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed IDL problem that caused the 'Blocked' Property to show up as 'bLocked' in the object browser and during wrapper generation Released: 2006-08-28
Product fixes in this release:
- Eliminated problem where RAS control would show the wrong phonebook as selected (2637)
- Corrected threading problems caused when send was called from 2 different places in code (2651)
- Added ReuseAddress Property to the UDP control (3144)
- Eliminated condition that would cause missing RAS phonebook entries (618) Released: 2006-06-15
Product fixes in this release:
- No fixes. Release build included with PowerSNMP for ActiveX 2.8.2 Released: 2005-12-23
Product fixes in this release:
- Added SizeHigh and PositionHigh properties to DartStream for +4 Gig support Released: 2004-10-22
Product fixes in this release:
- Made internal changes to DartStream
- Fixed a problem when Send is called from 2 different places in code at the same time. (2651)
- Fixed a problem with the Search method and 2-byte characters. (2690)
- Made changes that impact FTPServer performance issues. (2722) Released: 2004-05-21
Product fixes in this release:
- Changed some internal method declarations for automation access
- Changed internal ordering of events. This has no impact to users, just to language developers
- Fixed a problem with ReuseAddr. (1603)
- Fixed a problem with Socks5. (2302)
- Fixed a problem with Timeout after invalid proxy connection. (2327)
- Improved performance of search functionality. (2599) Released: 2003-09-12
Product fixes in this release:
- No changes. Version number adjustment Released: 2003-02-28
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed a problem with Ping being used in a control array
- Made an alteration to how the blocking code operates in the Daemon Control for better abort responses Released: 2002-11-27
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed a problem with UDP receiving a byte array
- Added support for multi-threading although NOT thread-safe
- Can be used in COM+ Component Services
- Problems with DString deconstructor fixed in DartStrings Released: 2002-07-02
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed Event disruption during Receive
- Added AdvancedTrace method
- Added Leave property to UDP Released: 2002-05-08
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed infinite loop condition in DartStreams CreateUnique
- Fixed memory leak in UDP.Receive and DartStream.Read when dimensioned string is passed in Released: 2002-03-01
Product fixes in this release:
- Error conditions were not being properly cleared during a failed GetHostName attempt Released: 2002-02-20
Product fixes in this release:
- Added automatic multiple retries on write before failing in DartStream
- DartStream Filename now properly updated on Unique Released: 2002-01-01
Product fixes in this release:
- DartStream will no longer return an error trying to read a currently opened for reading file Released: 2001-11-28
Product fixes in this release:
- Added the ability to pass a DartStrings into Search to search for more than one token Released: 2001-10-30
Product fixes in this release:
- DartSteam Filename property now reports proper filename at all times
- Minor changes to accommodate the .NET Framework Released: 2001-09-14
Product fixes in this release:
- Variant Bstr fix Released: 2001-08-20
Product fixes in this release:
- Changes for .NET Framework Released: 2001-08-20
Product fixes in this release:
- Change to the interface to accommodate the .NET Framework Released: 2001-08-10
Product fixes in this release:
- Added error message ptHeader(12101) to return more specific header error messages Released: 2001-06-01
Product fixes in this release:
- Added an error if not connected and timeout is 0 while attempting to send Released: 2001-05-16
Product fixes in this release:
- Added an error when sending with no connection and timeout is 0 Released: 2001-05-01
Product fixes in this release:
Fixed problem where local address could not be properly set in Connect on 95 machines Released: 2001-04-20
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed error in UDP (WARNING: DO NOT USE VERSION Released: 2001-04-11
Product fixes in this release:
- Added support for SOCKS4/5
- Rewrote DartStrings for maximum optimization
- Typo in the IDL file fixed for error 12016
- Fixed memory leak in the UDP Trace method
- COM errors trapped correctly in Daemon control Released: 2001-01-20
Product fixes in this release:
DartStream now in DartSock Released: 2001-01-05
Product fixes in this release:
- System.GetAddress will no longer GPF if not dialed-in
- Fine-tuned the way data is buffered to better handle situations with high data throughput
- Fixed problem where Dartstrings::Find would not work properly if string was last in list
- TCP now closes after receiving 16Kbytes after close is called
- Receive Count initialized to 0 to prevent potential misreporting (like with bug just fixed in DARTTELNET.DLL) Released: 2001-01-01
Product fixes in this release:
- DartStream now in Dartsock.dll
- Attempt to rename to a read-only file now properly reports error
- Added Readstring and Readbytes property to DartStream. This allows use of these methods in Javascript Released: 2001-01-01
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed regression bug that caused connection to close before data was sent. Only affected non-blocking mode Released: 2000-12-20
Product fixes in this release:
- Moved DartStream from DartObjects to DartSock - DartObjects no longer shipped Released: 2000-11-21
Product fixes in this release:
- System.GetAddress will no longer GPF if not dialed-in
Current Version: Released: 2013-06-03
Product fixes in this release:
- Resolved a Com registration error. Released: 2012-07-10
- There are now separate "Trial" and "Licensed" versions of the dll. Trial dlls are not for deployment and will only function on machines on which a trial version of the product has been installed. Released: 2010-10-27
- Now functions on all Data Execution Protection (DEP) enabled systems.
- No longer vulnerable to attacks outlined in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS09-035 (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS09-035.mspx). Released: 2006-08-28
Product fixes in this release:
- Corrected problem that caused the Telnet Console Sample App to stop functioning (995) Released: 2004-06-04
Product fixes in this release:
- Changed some internal method declarations for automation access. (2554)
- Changed internal ordering of events. This has no impact to users, just to language developers. (2554) Released: 2003-09-12
Product fixes in this release:
- No changes. Version adjustment Released: 2002-11-27
Product fixes in this release:
- Added support for multi-threading although NOT thread-safe
- Can be used in COM+ Component Services Released: 2002-05-08
Product fixes in this release:
- Telnet Receive event no longer continues to fire when blocked
- Fixed error when calling Search twice without calling Send Released: 2002-02-20
Product fixes in this release:
- Searches now work correctly when control is dynamically instantiated Released: 2001-09-14
Product fixes in this release:
- Minor changes to accommodate the .NET Framework
- Variant Bstr fix Released: 2001-04-11
Product fixes in this release:
- Binary mode functions properly Released: 2001-03-01
Product fixes in this release:
- Added the ability to pass a DartStrings into Search to search for more than one token Released: 2001-02-01
Product fixes in this release:
- Fine-tuned the way data is buffered to better handle situations with high data throughput Released: 2001-01-01
Product fixes in this release:
- Fixed regression bug that caused no errors to be generated when send or receive was called with a closed state
- Fixed problem where blocking receive would return extra characters
- Added Dartstream to choices for Receive and Search Datatypes. This allows use of these methods in Javascript