PowerTCP WebServer for ActiveX
from $499.00Available Platforms
PowerTCP WebServer for ActiveX Features
WebServer ActiveX Control (HTTP, HTTPS)
Use the WebServer control to turn any application into a custom HTTP Web Server. Build Web Applications in a familiar software environment. Features include:
- Allows you to create a server side web application without having to learn ASP, Cold Fusion or other web application development environment.
- Give a web interface to any stand-alone application.
- Compatible with MS SOAP library (create a SOAP server).
- Supports HTTPS.
Development Environments
- Visual Studio .NET (.NET Framework)
- Visual Basic (VB)
- Visual C++ (VC++)
- FoxPro
- PowerBuilder
- Delphi
- C++ Builder
- Office 97/2000
Public Constructors | |
WebServer | Build web-based applications from within Visual Basic or any other development environment that supports ActiveX controls. |
Public Properties | |
Certificate | Certificate Object to use when authenticating to the remote host. |
ClientAuthentication | Applies to server operation only. |
Count | Number of nonsecure TCP connections currently open. |
DefaultFiles | Collection of default filenames. |
LocalAddress | Returns the address in use while the Daemon is active and an empty string when the Daemon socket is closed. |
LocalPort | Returns the port number in use while the Daemon is active and 0 when the Daemon is closed. |
LocalSecureAddress | Returns the local host address being used for accepting secure connections. The format is dot notation (for example, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn). A non-empty value indicates the WebServer Control is accepting secure HTTP requests. |
LocalSecurePort | Returns the port number being used for accepting secure connections. A non-zero value indicates the WebServer Control is accepting secure HTTP requests. |
LogDirectory | Directory for daily log files. The default value is an empty string. |
MaxIdleTime | Amount of time a session can remain idle before expiring. |
MaxMemBuffer | Maximum number of memory bytes used when receiving the body of a request. |
PlaceCookies | Controls whether cookies are sent. Only affects the automatic Dart Cookies. |
Protocol | Specifies the security protocol used. |
PutLength | Controls whether the Content-Length is inserted in the header. |
RootDirectory | Root directory for web pages. |
SecureCount | Number of secure connections currently open. |
Sessions | Collection of active Session Objects. |
UseTemp | Gets or sets whether or not to place uploaded files in the temp directory. |
Public Methods | |
About | Show the About Box. |
Pause | Stop the server from accepting new connections, while allowing established connections and sessions to persist. |
Start | Start processing HTTP/HTTPS requests. |
Stop | Stop the server from accepting new connections and immediately close existing client connections. |
Trace | Start or stop the accumulation of trace or debug data. Once started, this method accumulates data until it is turned off. |
Public Events | |
Authenticate | Fires when the remote host has sent a certificate to be authenticated. |
Error | Fires whenever an error condition occurs. |
Get | Fires when a GET request is received. By default, file information and content is sent back to the client. Place code within this event to modify the default response. |
Head | Fires when a HEAD request is received. By default, header information is sent back to the client. Place code within this event to modify the default response. |
Post | Fires when a POST request is received. By default, a status of "Forbidden" is returned. Place code within this event to modify the default response. |
Put | Fires when a PUT request is received. By default, a status of "Forbidden" is returned. Place code within this event to modify the default response. |
Request | Fires when an unknown request is received. |
SessionEnd | Fires before a session is destroyed. |
SessionInit | Fires after a new session is created. |
Code Example
How easy is the WebServer control to use? Check out the following VB example below, which demonstrates "starting" a webserver, then responding to an HTTP GET request (which causes the WebServer component's Get event to fire).
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo OnError ' use intrinsic error handling
' Start a non-secure server on port 8080
WebServer1.Start 8080, -1
Exit Sub
OnError: ' Any error jumps here
Debug.Print "Error #" + CStr(Err.Number) + ": " + Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub WebServer1_Get(ByVal Session As DartWebServerCtl.ISession,_
ByVal Request As DartWebServerCtl.IRequest,_
ByVal Response As DartWebServerCtl.IResponse)
On Error GoTo OnError ' use intrinsic error handling
Response.Header(httpServer) = "My Web Server/1.0"
' Add other headers here.
If Response.Status = httpOK Then
' found template page...
' page not found: return default error page
End If
Exit Sub
OnError: ' Any error jumps here
Debug.Print "Error #" + CStr(Err.Number) + ": " + Err.Description
End Sub